A Gift From You Will Make a Difference

Hello Friends of Lifehouse,

As 2023 comes to an end, I reflect on how grateful we are for this beautiful community. The challenges of stabilizing our organization to ensure an unambiguous future for Lifehouse and the people we support has not been easy. The continuous shift in the needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and the increased necessity for our services is demanding, but we are committed to making certain that the people we support can always count on us.

The core mission of Lifehouse consists of providing quality support services to people with I/DD in our community and doing so with great integrity. This is why Lifehouse is the #1 Bay Area Service Provider where $0.90 of every dollar raised goes directly to support programs.

A gift from you will allow people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to advance their independence, productivity, and inclusion in every aspect of society. You may not realize how much it means to Lifehouse and the individuals we serve to have your support.

No gift is too big or too small and every dollar is needed. Thank you in advance for your contribution.

I wish you all a joyous and healthy holiday season from all of us at Lifehouse.

Much love to you and yours,


Nancy Dow Moody

President & CEO